It is generally believed that the printing press invented by Gutenberg in the 15th century fundamentally promoted the development of the modern world and enabled people to obtain unprecedented knowledge, even though the Chinese participated in the gambling law about 500 years ago. In a few centuries, we can design electronic products from armchairs, we can print 3D objects from machines on coffee tables, and your children can complete 3D modeling on tablets. How well you live! Therefore, we think it’s very good that (Chris sleka) uses all these tools to make plates for small printers over and over again to make cards for her Etsy business.
Now, before you laugh, yes, she quickly admits that kicad is not the best choice for designing images to be printed, because she needs a lot of post-processing in Inkscape. She could have given up the first step and started with Inkscape. You live and study. Once the desired image is fully vectorized, it will be popped into openscad to extrude it into 3D and thicken the contact with the base to slightly improve the strength.
[Kris] demonstrated how to align the front and rear side panels with registration marks, and even (mainly) try to add a second color fill to get more dynamic. The result looks a little unstable and imperfect. This is what you want to make by hand. We think this is a good result, even if it’s a little crazy to design it in kicad.
For those interested in openscad code, please understand the following points. This project is not the first 3D printing press we discussed. Take hi feed as an example. Here is the open press project, if you are still interested.