Gas and groceries: Boost fuel Expanding A new kind of consumer service It has mobile gasoline trucks in Seattle’s Safeway parking lot. This is the first time the Booster service has been opened to the public. This 6-year-old “energy-as-a-service” company has traditionally partnered with employers to refuel employee vehicles in private corporate parking lots or cooperate with companies to refuel fleet vehicles.
Why is it important: According to Booster, this is the first time Washington State has allowed such operations. Last year, state legislators approved a law to make it easier for companies to provide mobile refueling services. Mobile gas startups such as Booster have to comply with fire and environmental regulations.It also happened in a pandemic Promote the adoption of non-contact technology.

How does this work: Booster takes one of the tanks to the Safeway parking lot. Users use their smartphones to make payments. Consumer services are available at three Safeway locations in the Seattle area. There are currently no plans for further expansion.
Prices are based on the average cost per gallon of the three nearest gas stations. At Safeway near Seattle Roosevelt this weekend, the price of unleaded regular gasoline is $4.09 per gallon. Booster also offers a lead-free premium.
Booster is able to charge prices similar to or even lower than competitors, because it does not incur the capital-intensive costs associated with operating gas stations.
It declined to disclose details of its business agreement with Safeway.
Booster background: The company has raised nearly $90 million from investors, including Seattle venture capital firm Madrona Venture Group, Vulcan Capital and Maveron.Former Boeing Engineer Frank Mycroft Before moving to the Bay Area, he founded this startup in Seattle. Mycroft previously served as Vice President of Strategy at Planetary Resources for three years before starting Booster Diego Neto with Taylor Law. Booster is now online in eight major markets; has more than 300 B2B customers; and more than 200 employees.
Booster said it increased its B2B business last year to meet the ever-increasing corporate fleet and increasing environmental issues.The company helps customers Avoid vehicle mileage exceeding 2.2 million milesBut it has also dealt with the lowest level of annual car gasoline consumption in the United States since 1997. According to the U.S. Energy Industry Information AdministrationThis trend is mainly due to the pandemic.Booster earlier this year Announcing the launch of new on-demand electric vehicle charging To its offer.