The first season of Chair aired on Netflix recently and immediately became a favorite among streaming media platform subscribers, making them wonder whether it will return in season 2. This comedy takes place at the fictional Pembroke University. It revolves around Professor Ji-Yoon Kim (Sandra Oh), the new chairperson of the English Department. The show follows her as she tries to balance her personal and professional life while dealing with racism and sexism. In addition to oh, the actors also include Jay Duplas, Bob Baraban, Nana Mensa, Everly Kaganila, David Morse and Holland Taylor.
Oh also served as the executive producer of the show. Amanda Peet and Annie Julia Wynn are creators of Netflix TV series. Peet, David Benioff, DB Weiss, Bernie Caulfield and Daniel Gray Longino also serve as executive producers. Jim Frohna served as the photographer for season 1, a total of 6 episodes. Jay Deuby and Stacy Moon served as editors. The first season of the show aired 6 episodes, each about 30 minutes. Since the first season seems to be a success, the second season seems unlikely. So far, let’s take a closer look at what we know about the second season of The Chair.
Chair Season 1/Netflix stills.
What is the chair about?
The Chair is Netflix’s latest drama to shine on the platform. Sandra Oh plays Dr. Ji-Yoon Kim, the first female and person of color to serve as the chair of the English Department at Pembroke University. She started as a lifelong English professor, but was quickly promoted to the coveted head of the English department. However, this coveted position also faces great challenges. The department was in internal turmoil when Kim assumed this position. In addition to sectoral issues, King must also deal with more serious issues related to racism and gender discrimination. This comedy is sometimes not afraid to become serious. It is this quality that distinguishes this program from other programs and attracts so many eyes. The show entered Netflix’s top 10 shortly after its release.
What will be talked about in season 2?
Currently, there is no official news or announcement regarding the release of the second season. Therefore, any current statements about the plot of the second season of “The Chair” are speculative. But we can look forward to the second season for Kim to continue to deal with the challenges she faces. Although she has gotten off the chair, she still has a lot to argue about. The various social issues involved in the first quarter are so rampant in higher academic circles. As a person of color and a woman, King dealt with pressing problems in college. Along the way, she managed to overcome many of these challenges. But in academia, being a woman, a person of color, is not easy. If approved, Season 2 will follow Kim to handle her personal and professional challenges.

Stills from the first season of “The Chair”.
Who will star in the second season of “The Chair”?
Sandra Oh will return as the protagonist, playing Ji-Yoon Kim. In the first season, Kim had a lot of trouble hosting the English Department of Pembroke University. Jay Duplas will also return in season 2 as Bill Dobson. At the beginning of the first season, he was in a mess after his wife died. His daughter has just entered college. Season 2 will continue his journey as he tries to fight the defeat and move on. Bob Balaban will also return to season 2, playing Elliot Rentz. He is a senior teacher in the English Department.
Nana Mensah will return as Yaz McKay. He also serves as a faculty member in the English Department, and is about to receive a tenure faculty position. Evry Kaganila, who plays Jin’s daughter Zhuxi, will also return. David Morse as Paul Larson will also appear in the second season of The Chair. He plays the dean of Pembroke University and oversees the English Department. Holland Taylor will also return, playing the role of faculty and staff Joan Hambling.
Chair Season 2 release date
At the time of writing, Netflix has not made any official announcements regarding the release of The Chair’s season 2. The first season of the show will be streamed on August 20, 2021. This is a relatively fresh program, and it is not enough to measure its true performance. According to Netflix’s update method, we will not receive any official announcements for the time being. The anchor usually waits one or two months after the release to judge its performance. Similarly, it will check the chairman’s view of the audience in a month or two. Only then will the anchor decide to renew. Netflix classifies this show as a miniseries, but if the ratings are high for 1-2 months, Netflix may renew the subscription. If Netflix renews, we may get the second season of The Chair around September 2022.
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