The truth behind the evil forces begins with the animation Episode 13 d_cide traumerei, where Ryuhei meets his brother on the other side. D_ The cide traumerei animation reveals the final experience of Ryuhei and his brother and the truth behind the evil forces. From the latest D_ In the cartoon of cide traumerei, Ryuhei breaks the mask of the enemy and finds that it is his brother. He didn’t know why his brother was her because he died. The enemy revealed that OTA juhei was dead, but this is the new world. He is suing OTA’s body. He reminded Longhai that if he hit the body, he would also be injured.
ODA also talked about the evil forces of the former rulers of the earth. Evil people worship what they call God’s imaginary ideal. Ryuhei wants to know why this guy chose Oda’s body. ODA replied that his body was the perfect plan and reminded the ruler of the origin of Longhai. He asked him to stop thinking about his brother and talk about God; ODA revealed that he was a priest of Hermes mercury. After a lot of training and prayer, the man he was waiting for was about to return to the world.
The man promised him that if he helped him, he would give him tens of thousands of years. Ryuhei commented that ODA was lying because no one can live that long. ODA replied that this could happen because he crossed Africa in the name of “Prester John” in the 12th century. In Paris in the 18th century, people called him “Saint Germain”. ODA added that it was easy because it was about moving souls from one container to another.
Previously on D_Cide Traumerei The Animation Episode 12
Longhai wants to know what Xiaotian said. He said a ship and realized that Xiaotian took Ozawa Hu’s body. ODA added that he was worried that kozahu and her parents had fled. But his body was about to die, and Liu Hai’s brother appeared. ODA told Ryuhei that his brother was very talented. He found n’mze’s book and ket kurk’s ritual department. He even learned about the church and independently invented a drug to transport him to tramere. Ryuhei’s brother came and recommended himself to the boss.
The boss was trembling and wanted to know how a person entered traumerei, but it was a perfect container because his life was about to run out. At that time, the boss took over Liu Hai’s brother’s body. ODA revealed that he let Liu Hai’s brother learn the most profound truth in the knowledge world. But he had no choice but to kill Liu Hai’s brother because he wanted to see the light. Liu Hai was furious and decided to fight, but Tian Tian blocked his fist. ODA commented that Liu Hai’s attempt to beat his brother was not cute. Longhai replied that he picked up his brother’s bone from the crematorium. ODA replied that since the bones already existed, that was enough.
ODA talked about their time playing football together and his time to protect Longhai. He mentioned what he and Ryuhei had done in the past. Ryuhei tries to ignore ODA, while Rena and the team are looking for him. They fought with the monster while shouting Liu Hai’s name. Jessica realized that this was the first time she had heard that a knocker was showing trauma. The girls believe that they can have confidence and will find Liuhai; They found Ryuhei with another person and wanted to know what had happened. They fought with ODA and his men and released Liu Hai.
D_Cide Traumerei The Animation Episode 13 Release Date
Animation Episode 13 will be released on October 3, 2021. Liulihai had been reunited with her friends, but Lina was fascinated by the evil power and stabbed him. It’s all about D_ The ending of the cide traumerei animation set. Let’s look at D_ The latest cartoon news from cide traumerei.
You can be at crunchyroll & amp; amp; nbsp; at 10:30 p.m. on Saturday night; Watch D online on VRV_ Animation Episode 13 of cide traumerei. If you are not in Japan, you can watch D_ Cide traumerei: animation, aniplus, and aniplus Asia.