Toei animation’s “delicious party” film will be released this year. The upcoming film belongs to the “beautiful cure” series, which is famous for making animation series with girls as the theme. If you like watching movies and animation series focusing on girls, and the pictures of these movies and animation series are bright colors, then this is for you. These animations are usually shojo, always featuring beautiful and lovely girls. All films and films focus on fairies or magic girls, who come together to fight evil forces. The TV series was CO produced by todo and Bandai and produced by Asahi broadcasting company.
Toei animation announced on February 3, 2022 that the film will be released this year. According to the creator, the key phrase of the film plot is “eating brings a smiling face”. Like the whole animation series, the film is also built in the field of cooking, an unknown and mysterious field responsible for the food of the whole world. All episodes in this series are shojo, which is deeply loved by audiences of all genders and ages. Just when the film was released, fans were waiting for its exit with the same enthusiasm. Let’s see when we can make this new animated film.
It is also called “cute delicious” series, which is franchised by the Japanese player. This animation was created by Toei animation company and is called the 19th film of “beauty cure”. The play is directed by Junren Fukuzawa, and its music is directed by Shihe Sita. The animation is licensed by crunchyroll and can be played around the world. The play was recently released on February 6, 2022 and the first episode was broadcast. The comic adaptation of delicious party will also be released in March 2022. It will be written by todo Izumi and demonstrated by futago kamikita. Kodansha Publishing House publishes the whole cartoon in shojo type.
The plot of the recently released animation series is set in the fictional cooking world. The kingdom is fully responsible for food around the world. However, when its secret recipe Bon was stolen, the peace of the kingdom became an argument. It was stolen by a group of ghost thieves called “ghost bag Gang”. The aim of this group is to monopolize cooking all over the world because they want to get paid. In order to prevent these fairies from contacting humans in the city, they met a 13-year-old girl named YUI nagomi and her friends. Now, they have become a beautiful antidote to prevent these thieves from catching recipepe and retrieving the formula, bon.
The cartoon “delicious party” has only deleted one episode and has gained so much popularity. Isn’t that obvious because beauty cure is one of the best franchises to get some great shojo animation? A statement about the film has been released, according to which the film’s theme song “cheer! A delicious part” will become the theme song. This cheerful song is sung by Chihaya Yoshitake and ends with the theme of “delicious and happy day”.
last year, The series released a film “tropical Rouge! Preview of the film” Snow Princess and the magic ring “. The film is said to be a super popular film, earning $1.48 million at the box office at the premiere weekend, ranking first. A total of 141000 tickets were sold in the first two days. This year, beautiful cure The new film of the series will be released on September 23, 2022. The audience and all relevant authorities are expected to have the same response this year. Before the movie stops, please continue to watch the cartoon “prelude to delicious party”, which will update the new series every Sunday. You can find these episodes on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu and other websites.