In Chapter 80, gas recalls the day he lost to Bardock 40 years ago. On that decisive day, he vowed never to lose to anyone again. Elec took advantage of the deep hatred of the natural gas company towards Celeron people to establish a selfish motive of power monopoly for himself. The amazing similarities between Goku and his father made gas nervous, and he started an unprecedented new transformation. He looked calmer than his violent appearance, and confidence was seeping from his aura. Can Goku reproduce his father’s poison making technique? We will learn about this in Longzhu super chapter 81.
The recent growth of gas reminds us of Gohan’s classic Super Saiyan 2 transformation. Energization is effective only at the expense of reason or speed. Kale, Broly, cell, and countless other examples we have seen over the years, in which excessive power without proper control led to their collapse. Will natural gas do the same? We bring you the latest chapter update of Longzhu super cartoon.
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 81 Spoilers and Raw Scans
Chapter 81 will continue to talk about the fury of gas to prove that he is the most powerful warrior in the universe. As he has just gained a new form, he will dominate at least the next few group games. I guess chapter 81 will show Gus’s newly discovered power to confirm that he is the most powerful soldier. However, in the Dragon Ball universe, no one can be at the top for a long time.
Either Goku will find out how his father defeated gas 40 years ago and accurately copy it, or Celeron and granola will work together again to get a chance before gas. The original scan and draft of Longzhu super chapter 81 will be released 3-4 days before the official release of the chapter. Therefore, please be sure to check it again on February 16, 2022. We will update this section for you.
At the beginning of chapter 80, gas gradually lost to granolah in the skills department, although he was the strongest one. It seems that gas is still difficult to integrate his divine power. Vegeta showed Goku that granola’s real-time transmission technology is much slower than granola. Now granola has the upper hand in speed, which is his only chance to beat natural gas. It’s enough for the man to finish the fight.
Granola no longer wasted time. He formed many of his own clones and began to use gasoline. This technology is costly because any damage caused by human cloning will affect the original body. In addition, clones are much weaker than the original body, so the gas pierces them one by one effortlessly. He didn’t know that granola used clones just to distract him. Granola appeared in front of him with his prototype and attacked him from close range. Even the most powerful warrior in the universe cannot escape this attack and is about to accept defeat.
Just when we thought the battle was over, Elek appeared to remind him of his shameful defeat in badoc’s hands. Burning in the flame of hatred, the poison gas was completely violent and began to crush anyone around him. Even his former comrades were not spared The old name Kean recalled that he saw the violent nature of natural gas when fighting baddock 40 years ago. However, he did not know how baddock defeated the monster in a coma.
His embarrassing memories of the past kept coming to his eyes. He remembers how losing control of power cost him the price of fighting back. When he noticed the striking similarities between Goku and baddock, he decided not to repeat the same mistake. He calmed down and completed another flashy change.
Longzhu super chapter 81 is scheduled to be released on Sunday, February 20, 2022. The new chapter of Longzhu super comics will be released from the 19th to the 20th of each month unless there is a delay.
Longzhu super cartoon is published on Shonen jump’s official website every month. The last three chapters are free, but you must switch to a paid subscription to access the full directory.