With its small size, low price and wireless function, ESP32 makes countless small electronic projects and even some commercial products possible. Many remote sensors, lighting settings, and even home automation projects are now running on this faithful little chip.But electronic enclosures that are downgraded to control small electrical settings are not all these microchips can do [Eirik Brandal] Show us With this unique piece of audiovisual art.
The project is essentially a small automatic synthesizer in which a series of arrays corresponding to various scales are incorporated. You can select any one of them to play for the instrument. The notes of the scale are shuffled through some random changes to achieve a fully automated instrument. Music generation is also fully analog, created by some oscillators, amplifiers, and other filters and effects. ESP32 also controls a lighting sculpture, which lights up a series of LEDs when music is played.
The art installation itself creates memorable and fascinating tunes, which are illustrated in the video linked after the break. Although it is not entirely in the field of artificial intelligence, because it uses a pre-programmed pattern mixed with some randomness, it does provide us with some hints for other projects that use artificial intelligence to create new music.