The trip to Eden begins with episode 11 of fina: Pirate Princess. Carney leads the pirate crew to their destination. The Pirate Princess had long disclosed the matter, but it was over since the crew were about to arrive at the garden of Eden. Members are afraid because this will be the last battle. From the latest episode of fina: Pirate Princess, we see that TSUBAKI and Kanri studied the coordinates of this position together and decided to tell fina what they found. At the same time, both of them set out to meet the others. We also saw a soldier on Abel’s side playing with FENa’s boat.
This attracted the attention of Abel’s soldiers because Abel was eager to see FENa again. Abel would even kill to get fina back. But the pirates opposed Abel because they knew his past. Since FENa was taken away by yukimaru, Abel’s heart is still fragile. On the other side, Fener and canny talked about the garden of Eden and realized that it was over. The crew found their destination from a distance. The crew were surprised when FENa told them what was about to happen. We saw a huge Island coming out of the sea, which surprised me because the island came out of nowhere.
They believe the island is waiting for FENa. Fener reminded them that the island was the garden of Eden. The crew began a new journey through the garden of Eden. On the way, yukinamru and Shintani shared their thoughts on FENa. The crew followed Fener, who was the leader. They witnessed unprecedented amazing events. Moreover, everyone has their own views on the beautiful garden of Eden. Then we saw the pirates reach the waterfall, but they could see anything, not water.
Previously on Fena: Pirate Princess Episode 10
Curious about the garden of Eden, Shengu has no problem with FENa. But FENa made it clear that when she assured them that they were not lost, it was the right place. Yukimaru talked about something behind the waterfall. Canny suggested going. The twins investigate, and fina goes into the dungeon with everyone. When they appeared on the other side, they found a new city. They walked down the tall building and the journey continued. But yukimaru tried to be gentle and wanted to bring FENa. FENa realized that it would be embarrassing. We saw FENa running to avoid being taken away by yukimaru.
This disappointed yukimaru because he didn’t hold his beloved girl. In the evening, the crew continued their journey, but Kanri brought the theme of yukimaru. Fina had enough, but she came up with some clever words to avoid these problems. They reached the maze tunnel, where they had to jump, which gave yukimaru a chance to carry FENa. When they landed, FENa escaped from yukimaru’s hand because yukimaru gently held her. Kanri and makaba noticed this and looked away as if they didn’t see anything.
Kanri believes that yukimaru still has a long way to go to win FENa’s heart. We saw the staff arrive at the entrance and FENa told them not to worry. But outside, Abel and his men arrived after chasing FENa. Finn and the pirates had no clue that Abel was after them. They found the treasure hidden behind the mysterious door that needed the key, but Fener opened it. The pirates saw that FENa had worked miracles and saw gold and a lot of money. The twin brothers talked about swimming in the treasure. This ends Fener’s journey, but there is a mystery waiting for them because they have to deal with Abel and the final puzzle.
Fena: Pirate Princess Episode 11 Release Date
The 11th episode of Pirate Princess will be released on October 17, 2021. Finally, FANA felt that the treasure meant nothing to her, so she went to a place she cherished most and looked for clues about Phineas. Fina dances in front of yukimaru on the stage used by finis. Abel and his crew entered with weapons and were ready to seize everything by force, including fina. Let’s look at the official details of Episode 11 of fina: Pirate Princess.
You can watch episode 11 of fina: Pirate Princess on JST online at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday. If you are not in Japan, you can play & amp; Watch episode 11 of FENa: Pirate Princess online on DirecTV. Finner: The Pirate Princess will release a new update every Sunday. The animation will end in the next episode; Don’t do that. People who like dubbing can play online on iTunes (shows), Amazon (purchase) and vud, but some people need to subscribe. Let’s meet at the release of Episode 11 of fina: Pirate Princess.