“My hero academy” or “Boku no hero academy” is a Japanese superhero cartoon, written and illustrated by Kohei Horikoshi. Animation series include superheroes, action adventure, comedy, science fantasy, school life, martial arts and adult. The story revolves around a world where people have superpowers called quirks. One exception is that Ichiro Nakajima is the main protagonist of the series. He was born without personality, but he still tries to be like everyone. Meadowlia is a strong fan to the letter. For him, strength is Izu’s only hope to achieve his goal. When medoria entered American high school, his life changed.
Medoria, bakugo, ulalaka, Kirishima and all U-A level 1 hero courses are well known. But did we learn about Hitoshi shinso from the general course? What was your idea when you first saw shinso? Not his clothes, but his character? This article will eventually be shinso’s new fashion design. However, the Shinto also had an impact as a role, because through his power, medoria was able to see the remains of “one for all” for the first time. So before we look at shinso’s clothes, let’s see who he is and what his quirks are.
Who is Hitoshi Shinso?
Hitoshi shinso comes from general education courses. His goal is to become a greater hero than all hero courses. Of course, that’s his wishful thinking. But the dream you have been longing for for for years is no longer a wishful dream. When he first appeared, we didn’t know his quirks. We were stunned by his quirks when we dueled with meadowia at the sports festival.
Shinso’s quirk is “brainwashing”. With a quirk like him, the claim is likely to become a villain. Despite knowing the facts, he still tries to be a hero. Not only that, he also received special training from iris Hyde, the head teacher of class 1-A. Although the fact that someone has the super ability of brainwashing itself is a good thing, it also has its own limitations. Brainwashing will only activate when the claim wants it, and will not have an effect on the claim. This quirk can only be completed and revoked by one person at a time. It’s not that shinso can’t brainwash many people at once. He never tried. If necessary, shinso can brainwash more than one person at a time by issuing the same command as in cavalry combat.
Shinso’s quirks don’t make people talk, or commands to think don’t work. In dealing with the quirks of claims, one may think it is impossible to get rid of his brainwashing. However, there is one way. If external objects touch or vibrate them, the brainwashed person may lose shinso’s control.
In the joint training battle between 1-A and 1-B, shinso showed his ability, and his performance shocked everyone. Because he has been training under the eraser head, his clothing style is also somewhat similar. Now let’s look at shinso’s clothes, before and after.
Hitoshi Shinso’s New Hero Costume In MHA
According to jump festa’s interview with Horikoshi in 2017, Hitoshi expects some interesting developments in the future. This may refer to many things that fans can think of, including his new hero costume.
Shinso’s hero clothes during joint training are nothing special except U.A.’s winter clothes, except his combat scarf and character line. Shinso’s vocal cord, artificial vocal cord: the vocal cord allows him to modify his voice, imitate others’ voices, and pretend to be them. Because shinso’s voice doesn’t work when speaking in a microphone or loudspeaker, his additional vocal cords act as a modulator, enabling him to modify his voice with the movement of all changing plates. Have you ever wondered what would happen if shinso knew “everyone has one”? But don’t worry, because shinso is shinso, not alone.
When it comes to comics, Boku no hero Academy (Chapter 340) leaves us in suspense. Shinso has a new Hero Costume, which is official, which makes fans want to know what he will look like in the animation series.
As a student mentor, shinso’s new Hero Costume reminds all fans of Eraserhead. It’s more like wiping your head off shinso’s body. Well, in addition to joking, shinso’s official Hero Costume is a completely black invisible appearance, as well as his vocal cords and baozabu. It is worth noting that shinso is now a new type of spider man. His cloth has enough strength to hang him.