The end of the journey of Hero’s Quest and Game Master began when I was standing in the 12th episode of Season 2 of A Million Lives, Iris ate the brains of arrested slaves. The journey of the hero party ended with the release of season 2 of the latest episode of “I’m Standing on a Million Lives”. From the second episode of the latest “I’m Standing on a Million Lives”, Tori confronts Alice, because he eats a slave of his brain, he finds that Iris has become a monster. Iris jumped up and tried to strangle Tori to make him fall asleep, because she was not satisfied with eating only that person’s brain. Tori fought back, preventing her from eating his brain.
Yostuya and other hero parties arrive and want to know what happened. They witnessed a huge iris trying to swallow Torrey. Shiya summons his kitchen knife to kill Alice. Hokozaki wanted to know why they wanted to kill the cute Iris. Yotsuya replied that it was his job. Torri managed to break free and pushed Iris away. But Iris tried to kill him with a single blow, and Torri chopped off her head with his knife. Hosaki and others realized that Tori was fighting for his life and had no choice but to kill a man-eating monster.
They walked to the fire and burned Iris. Glenn realized that it was the same thing that happened to Jezby’s father. The crew knew that they were losing a large number of villagers, because most of them had become demons. Nematodes have become a threat to villagers, because once they are affected, they become monsters. Si also wanted to know what had happened since Alice was with them wherever they traveled.
Before I stood on a million lives, season 2 episode 11
Torri regrets that he killed Iris, but this is just a way to stop the infection. The next morning, they paid tribute when burying Iris’ ashes. Jazby couldn’t believe that Iris had the same fate as her father. Frock commented that it was the same monster that got Bain. Haka feels a headache because he can accept that his daughter has passed away. Later, the Heroic Party decided to investigate the case because they might lose another life. Si also asked a citizen if anyone felt weak or tired. They realized that these symptoms were the same as those they saw on Jifeng Island.
Tokittate wanted to know if the Dragon Bishop was holding a ceremony nearby. Torri is still affected by the tragedy of Iris, and Shindou comforts him. They talked about Iris and how she treated her time well. Zhendao thinks this is unfair because they are dealing with terrible things in this world. She added that she will not die in this place, they can all live to the end. The truth reminded Tori of his lost brother, and he must muster up the courage to find his brother. Once they have dealt with all the problems, they will talk about going to the beach.
Torri is happy that they will like it after solving this mystery. Jezby remembered something about New Eden. Jezby added that the new Garden of Eden has passed the rising sun on the other side of the forest. The crew decided to confront Bishop Long, suspecting that he was involved in this matter. One is the way they punish giant wolves, goblins, and trolls. They climbed up the beanstalk, Yostuya reminded them “Jack and the beanstalk. Yostuya met with the elders who told him about Zagroth.
I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2 Episode 12 Release Date
I’m Standing on a Million Lives Season 2, Episode 12 will be released on Saturday, September 25, 2021, 12:30 in the morning. Let’s take a look at the latest official update of “I Stand A Million Lives Season 2” below.
Where to watch I stand in the lives of a million people, season 2 episode 12
You can watch My Stand A Million Lives Season 2 Episode 12 online on Crunchyroll. That’s all in the finale of the second season of “I’m Standing in a Million Lives”, these episodes are available for re-watching.
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