In post-apocalyptic novels, the hacker spirit is always alive as the characters piece together any trash devices they can find. Although these may not always be practical or possible in reality, their main purpose is usually to look at the parts.This is definitely the case [Danny Huynh]Post-apocalyptic electronic animation creation, It seems that they can be plugged directly into Mad Max or Fallout.
[Danny] Is an avid remote control enthusiast, so many models are Highly customized off-the-shelf remote control carHowever, what really catches the eye is the lifelike moving characters in these models.Their hands and feet move with the steering and throttle, Motorcycle manufacturing They often lean when turning.Other notable builds include Six-legged taxi And a few Animatronics.
All vehicles are electric, but it looks like [Danny] An audio module is usually included to simulate the roaring engine. He extensively uses servers and linkages for character movement, and carefully hides wiring and electronic equipment with paint or bodywork.
With all the CGI technologies available today, what is impressive is a great animatronics construction like the bizarre lifelike heart or the talking Nikola Tesla.