The folks at Espressif seem to be doing their best to produce chips to fit every possible niche market in the microcontroller market with radio, because their latest chip carries the news of the ESP32 name: single-core 96MHz RISC-V part Built-in IEEE 802.15.4 to support ZigBee 3.x and Thread 1.x.This ESP32-H2 Not the most powerful in Espressif’s product line, but it will have a place in home automation products and projects.
In an increasingly crowded market, ESP32-H2 has joined many other IEEE 802.14.4 devices from manufacturers such as Microchip, ST, NXP, and Nordic. So what if you provide devices that other devices cannot provide? If the previous ESP chip has any meaning, we hope that it will be competitive in price and will have obvious appeal to developers who are accustomed to using other Espressif products.