Radio controlled toys are very fun to play with. However, at the lower end of the market, sometimes you may find that what you are buying is not suitable. [saulemmetquinn] Found that using cheap remote control helicopters, And set about redesigning the design in Tinkercad.
The entire frame of the original helicopter was discarded and replaced with a frame made of CAD design and 3D printed components. The end result is much lighter and less bulky than the original design, while also managing to look more like a real helicopter.It also helps to correct some problems [saulemmetquinn] The statement made the original toy difficult to fly.
Assembling your own miniature helicopter engine and machinery will be very difficult and time consuming. [saulemmetquinn] On the contrary, be able to take advantage of the original design and build better things from it. This is the essence of hackers, right there.
We have also seen other toy helicopters being hacked, such as the famous Syma S107G. If you have your own small flying hacker, be sure to leave us a message.