Relaxing in the swimming pool is great, but going out for a cold drink is really exhausting. [Alister] His eyes were on commercial beverage floats, but the company went bankrupt.But of course 3D printing Rescued in this video, Also embedded below.
The payload is four bottles and some snacks. Brushless propellers allow bartenders to guide small robots around the swimming pool to serve drinks.
The resin coating allows the 3D printing material to float. After the hull and thrusters are completed, the rest is very simple: an RC receiver and some speed controllers. To celebrate, the ship is equipped with MP3 players, water cannons and remote-controlled flagpoles.
Driving around the swimming pool looks fun. It may not be suitable for sea travel, but it may be suitable for use on a quiet lake. We don’t know the lifespan of this little device, but we want to know if you can’t sell these to the resort to provide something for swimmers.
We have seen [Alister] The ship was printed before. We thought this hovercraft version would be cool until we thought of lifting heavy bottles and messing up swimmers’ hair.