This is the end of an era. The 89th and last soldier to join the crew of Super Smash Brothers. The final version is sola, the protagonist of the heart of the Kingdom series.
The announcement came from a pre recorded presentation by smash director Masahiro Sakurai on Tuesday morning, who also provided a 40 minute detailed introduction to sola’s background and movements. (Sakurai vowed that it was a complete coincidence that Sora (meaning “sky” in Japanese) had the same name as Sora Ltd., a small game company jointly owned by Sakurai and his wife meizhizi.)
Kingdom Hearts is a popular action RPG series that spans Disney franchise characters – goofy and Donald Duck are partners in many of sola’s adventure stories – and the final fantasy of square Enix.
Sola herself is an original character responsible for defending all worlds, many of which are clearly based on Disney’s popular franchises, such as little mermaid and toy story, to prevent the invasion of evil creatures called “ruthless”.
In 2002, the Kingdom Hearts series of games started on PlayStation 2, while some auxiliary games such as dream drop distance in 2012 were released on Nintendo’s 3DS and other portable devices.
Until today, the only king hearts game on Nintendo switches is a memory melody derivative game based on 2020 rhythm. However, Sakurai revealed in Sora’s presentation that the first three games will be transplanted to the switch at an unspecified time point in the future, and Kingdom Hearts 3 in 2019 is planned to be released through cloud games.
Of course, due to Disney’s participation, allowing AOI to enter smash has brought some unique licensing difficulties to Nintendo. Sakurai pointed out that AOI needs “more coordination” than other characters. Although the Disney characters in crush play a very prominent role in the heart of the Kingdom series, there is an obvious lack of direct reference to Disney characters in crush, which shows that there are some legal alternatives here.
Sola in Super Smash Brothers. Ultimate is a lightweight, floating character, deliberately making it easy to use, unlike some more complex DLC fighters, such as pila / masra. Although technically speaking, he is 82 soldiers on the official roster, the addition of various “echo warriors” – the same roles but different looks, such as Ryu and Ken – means that the final roster of ultimate is 89 characters.
Many of sola’s moves are based on his performance in the heart of the primitive Kingdom, such as a three hit ground combo. His special actions include a multi-directional air raid called sonic blade, a counterattack that allows him to block and counterattack incoming hits, and three attack spells, ferraga, tongdaga and blizzard. Their availability rotates in order whenever sola casts one.
Like every character in smash, sola has eight different color changes, because in theory, up to eight players can use sola at the same time in a smash game. Sakurai pointed out in his speech that in the ultimate, sola’s special variations are the most exquisite of all the characters, because each variation represents a specific version of the characters in his family series.
Sola’s P5 variation comes from the eternal river world in the kingdom of Hearts II. It is visually adapted from Steamboat Willie in 1928. It is a short cartoon that first introduced Mickey Mouse to the world. Therefore, P5 sola in smash is black and white, with a unique set of simplified facial animation, which makes him look like an early 20th century animation.
Players who buy sola will also get his unique role stage, hollow fortress; A new spirit board with eight other original characters from the heart of the Kingdom, including Carey and Luku; And nine original songs not affiliated to Disney in the original soundtrack of KH series. The player who saves the memorized melody data on the switch will also unlock the tenth track, which is the swing arrangement of “hand in hand” and sola’s victory theme.
The hollow fortress stage in smash is a simple floating platform, and the maleficent castle from the heart of the primitive kingdom can be seen in the background. However, when the battle in the hollow fortress is coming to an end, the stage transitions to a new area and sneaks into the heart. This is a dark arena, and KH’s special character art can be seen in the background.
At the beginning of the speech, Sakurai also announced the eleventh and final round of special paid clothing for soldiers of the Ministry of information industry created for players. This is a relatively small wave, including two special character hats from the Nintendo splaton series, but it also marks the introduction of a full character costume based on the slayer, who is the protagonist of the destruction series video games. MII gunmen’s Doomsday killer equipment is based on his performance in doomsday 2016.
Although it is difficult to say whether this is intentional, because doomsday killer is one of the most frequently asked roles in smash, his appearance as the clothing of the Ministry of information industry is also after a more interesting joke in early 2020.
When it was announced that Nintendo’s “Animal Crossing: New Horizon” would be released on the same day as Bethesda’s “doomsday eternity”, the Internet immediately decided, which means that Isabel, the symbol of killer and animal crossing, is the best friend. This has led to countless comics, cartoons, animations and imitation songs. Now the slayer and Isabel can be mixed up in “smash” in a pseudo orthodox way.
A new round of smash amiibos is also planned to be released next year. Minecraft’s Steve and Alex will launch Collectible toys next spring, and Sephiroth, pyra, mythra and Kazuya all plan to release after that.
According to Sakurai, today’s announcement marks the last downloadable content Nintendo will release for super smash bros.ultimate in three and a half years. Since its release at the end of 2018, ultimate has become the third best-selling game. As of June this year, the circulation of the game was 24.77 million. Once sola is released, a full version of ultimate will include 89 fighters, 116 unique stages, 140 sets of MII fighter costumes, guest scenes in more than 450 games, and soundtrack composed of more than 1100 songs.
Ultimate also has a Professional League league. Last weekend, it held its latest event “low tide city” in round rock, Texas. Nintendo is notorious for keeping a certain distance from smash’s professional field, but in May, it partnered with Amateur League organizer playvs to bring smash and spraton into college level track and field competitions.
Sola and the new MII fighter will be launched on October 18. Super crush brother. The ultimate owner who buys the second fighter package will automatically get sola at no additional cost, but sola can be purchased separately for $5.99.