Disney is popular for its animated feature films, which attract fans all over the world. Among all animated films, “Tangled” is one such film, and it was a huge success for Disney. This movie was released in 2010 and the box office response was very good. Since then, fans have been waiting for the direct sequel to the original 2010 movie, Tangled 2. However, more than 11 years have passed, and there is still no sequel to the movie. This keeps fans asking questions about the release date of “Tangled 2”.
“Tangled” is a story based on the fairy tale “Rapunzel”, which is part of the forked story of the Brothers Grimm. It was released on November 14, 2010, although it was not a regular version. The film was released to the general audience on November 24, 2010. This movie is a big box office, with a box office revenue of millions of dollars. Fans have repeatedly asked for a sequel that should have returned. However, there are some rumors that Disney Studios is developing a sequel, which makes fans want to know more.
When will “Tangled 2” be released?
For more than ten years, this big problem has been circulating on the Internet, and fans have anticipated some information.However, the studio that developed the first film has not yet confirmed DisneySo, for now, we can say that “The Tangled 2” has no fixed release date. Despite the speculation and rumors about the live-action adaptation of the animated film being developed by Disney Studios. These speculations began to circulate when rumors about a director writing a script for a real-life adaptation were triggered. But the rumors of Disney executives have not been confirmed.
But it will be interesting to see if the rumors are true and make a live-action movie. We have seen other live-action adaptations, such as “Beauty and the Beast” and “The Lion King”. Both films are excellent. They even made a lot of money for Disney, reaching the global one billion dollar mark. So, if we have a live-action movie based on “Tangled”, that would be fair. Although back to the animated sequel, there is not much to prove. But seeing the needs of fans, if the studio decides to make a sequel, it may take a long time before it is finally released.
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“Entangled” plot
The story begins when a character named Mama Gothel takes away a magic flower that can heal anyone. She used that flower to stay young and live for centuries when she was young. However, when a soldier of a kingdom snatched the flower from her, it all disappeared from her. They took this flower to heal the sick queen. After a while, the queen gave birth to a beautiful blonde baby girl. According to reports, this girl possesses the same magical power as the flowers in her hair.
Mother Gesell found the girl from the kingdom, caught her and ran away. She named her Rapunzel and hid her in the tower with her. She used Rapunzel’s hair to stay young and immortal for many years. But when a thief named Flynn Knight stole Rapunzel’s crown from the kingdom, things became interesting. He ran to hide in the tower, where he met Rapunzel.
Soon, they became friends and, with the help of some other characters, enjoyed the festival with the people in the kingdom town. When Gossell caught her again and brought her back to the tower, things reversed. Flynn was stabbed by Goser while trying to save her. Gossell now plans to forcibly take Rapunzel to a new place, but if Gossell asks her to heal Flynn, she agrees to go willingly. However, Flynn cut off Rapunzel’s hair and realized that if she healed him, she would die. Due to her true age, this caused Gauser to die and disappear immediately. Finally, Rapunzel’s tears healed Flynn, and they returned to the kingdom and finally got married.
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