You may never have thought you would read the new software developed for Nokia’s notorious N-Gage handheld game system in 2022. Of course, we didn’t expect to write this article. But here we are. Of course, we’re not talking about a business name – it’s an unofficial wordle port, made by “taco phone” Superfan [Michael fitzmayer].
[Michael] told us that the first version is very simple. At present, a single word list containing all 2309 terms is used in the New York Times version. The translation of Finnish, Russian and German is in progress, but interestingly, the code does not support words with hyphens, which seems to hinder this work; This means that if you compete in Russian, you may find yourself in an impossible position to win. We’re sure it’s just a coincidence, not a political comment, but you still can’t make up these things.
So, how to develop a new game for the game console that failed at the beginning of this century? The answer is to use the modern N-Gage SDK currently being developed, which allows you to write code for the system using popular tools and libraries such as visual studio 2022, cmake and SDL. But [Michael] is not only the user of the new SDK, but also the brain behind the operation.
I hope this new development platform can revive the maliciously attacked device. He even started a discord server to discuss the past, future and present of sidetalk ‘. If you’re surprised to find that you recently found a used N-Gage on eBay, join the club.