An independent psychological thriller, also known as an independent psychological thriller, “Super Dark Age” is still under discussion after it was released in 2017. Directed by Kevin Phillips and starring Irving Campbell, Charlie Tahan and Elizabeth Cappuccino, this movie is about two teenage friends, Zach and Josh, who are in their secret book Give the girl a score.
As daunting as the basic premise of the movie, “Super Dark Age” is more than that. At this time, you should also know that this is Phillips’ directorial debut. It is not only about adulthood, but also about the influence of jealousy, violence and bigotry on friendship, and how friendship is ultimately damaged by these negative factors, and the innocence of children. Many viewers, like us, find that the plot of the movie is built around guilt, and think that this is a beautiful portrayal of the same movie. The boys living in Upstate have a typical community environment, beautiful mountains, lakes, beautiful meadows and meadows. But in any case, there are countless buried skeletons (symbolic speaking) in the closet of the town. The town has beautiful scenery and lush green fields, and deep dark secrets are hidden in its hinterland. This is of course because the movie is based on the theme of puberty.
Before we dive into the end of the movie, the first thing you must do is watch the trailer to understand the basic premise of the content discussed in this article. Well done.
After the traumatic accident, Zach and Josh, who were inseparable, changed and became completely opposite selves.
Super Dark Age: Plot
Okay, let’s get into the main plot of the movie. So these are typical teenagers. When they are invited to a high school party, they will find bags of marijuana or katana scattered around. Teenagers like them (Josh’s brother) trafficked drugs, and they found the property when Darryl, who was generally disliked, and his eighth-grade friend Charlie met at Josh’s house. Now, it is obvious that Darryl stole the big sack just like giving the pot, and during the quarrel between him and Josh (Josh found out), he was forced to give up.
Super Dark Age: Ending Explanation
The quarrel led to the murder of Darryl, Josh accidentally stabbed him with a katana, and soon news of his missing body came. Zach has nightmares, and Josh doesn’t go to class. Now, another student named John was found dead. The witty rumors of disappearance are in place, and the next rumor is that John fell from the bridge.
Zach believes that this death is not accidental as the last one. He returned to the graveyard in Dar Lille and retrieved the katana, only to find that it was missing. Then he saw Darryl’s body being mutilated, and when he went to face him at Josh’s house, he saw Josh and Allison together. Josh turned out to be a psychopath. He killed Megan and tied Alison up. After untying her rope, Zach and Josh quarreled, and the neighbor intervened. In the end, Josh was subdued and arrested. Things are moving towards calm and calm. But a month later, when Alison recovered and returned to school, the close-up showed three parallel lines on the back of her neck. At the age of 16, all innocence was lost. Although Josh is the real villain, it is easy to sympathize with Zach, who has the most screen time.
Super Dark Age: Cast List
The film’s star lineup includes Owen Campbell in “The American”, who plays Zach. Zach’s mother is played by Amy Hargreaves of the Department of Homeland Security, and his lover is played by Elizabeth Cappuccino of Jessica Jones. Other actors include Sawyer Bart as Charlie Bart, Adea Lennox as Meghan (murdered by Josh), Ethan Botwick as John Whitcomb, and Anne Kruger As Mrs. Barron, Courtney Simmons as Eugene, and Kathy Sullivan as senior.
If you want to watch a movie, you can watch “Super Dark Times” on Vudu, Google Play, YouTube or Amazon Video.