The secret behind the magic crystal begins in Episode 13 of the great Jesse will not be defeated. Jesse comes back from the store and sees a magic crystal lying on the road. Jahy thought it was her lucky day, but things changed when she began to believe that the magical girl might have set a trap. She realized that if she tried to pick up the magic crystal, the magic girl would hit her behind her and kill her, so she decided to hide nearby. From the latest episode of the great Jesse will not be defeated, Jesse waited for hours, believing that the magical girl would appear.
She also shouted to let her opponent appear and wondered whether the magical girl was hiding. But there was no sign of anyone, and she began to believe that she was imagining things. Jahy came to the magic crystal, but she hesitated to pick it up. She thought that when she picked it up, she might fall into a hole. But she imagined herself sliding down in the hole with a magic crystal. Josh believed that the magical girl had succeeded. It was a trap she had expected from the beginning.
It made her think that the magical girl would laugh at her when she was in the hole. Josh decided to be more careful and try to choose the magic crystal carefully. But she had a different idea. She thought it might be placed on the top of the bomb. When she touched it, it would explode. Jesse wanted to know if the magical girl wanted to blow her away with the city. She cursed the magical girl. Her boss came and wanted to know why Jesse was staring at that thing. Jesse turned around and asked her if she wanted to kill her.
Previously on The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated Episode 12
Jesse told her boss that she was trying to pick up the magic crystal. The boss thought jahy was too short and decided to help her, but when jahy thought it was a trap, she stopped. Jesse jumped up and accidentally picked up the magic crystal, but nothing happened to her. She stood up and wondered if the trap and her boss were all right. This made her very happy, because she was not afraid of anything. She had managed to get the magic crystal. Jahy has learned that what she imagines, there are no traps or magical girls.
The boss praised her and commented that she never expected Jesse to get mana crystal on the street. Jahy realized that it took her a long time to find the mana crystal. It easily appeared in front of her. A few days later, she met cocoro and they came to the park. Cocollo believes they will find more mana crystals around. The two began to help each other in search and exchange. Jahy is happy that Kokoro is a useful person because she is helping to find magic crystals.
Josh believes that when she recovers the dark kingdom, she will make Kokoro an officer. She wondered if they should postpone the magic crystal hunt because the park had fun they could enjoy. Jahy realizes that she is attracted to the children because she is the second commander of the dark kingdom, which must not happen to her. But she managed to get out of trouble and began the magic crystal hunt. Josh found beautiful flowers and wanted to give them to Kokoro. Jahy thinks it doesn’t matter because she thinks Kokoro is her servant.
The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated Episode 13 Release Date
The great Josh will not be defeated. Episode 13 will be released on October 31, 2021. Jahy can’t accept that since she came to the human world, she has changed after learning the human way. But when she realized that she could not stop being friendly to human beings, she thought flowers were a reward for servants. Jahy realizes she can’t find Kokoro, but she sees her with two guys who look like punks. Jahy turned it into a huge shape with her necklace, where she defeated the guys because they looked like they were making trouble with Kokoro. Let’s take a look at all the official details of Episode 13 that the great Josh will not be defeated.
You can be at aniplus & amp; amp; nbsp; at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday; Watch Episode 13 of the great Jesse will not be defeated online on crunchyroll. If you don’t have access to these platforms, you can watch AIS play & amp; online through crunchyroll; The great Josh will not be defeated Episode 13 on VRV. Cocollo wanted to know why Josh hit the nerds because they asked her something and didn’t do anything bad. The guy with glasses wants to know why the lady kicked him. Cocollo clarified the misunderstanding and revealed that the man had helped her since she tripped. Let’s meet when the great Josh won’t be defeated. Episode 13 is on.