In the process of researching vacuum tubes, we stumbled upon something unexpected with Electro-Harmonix, a company known for its guitar amplifier and audio tube manufacturing. When leaving their core business, They plan to get energy from the magnetosphere. This is as It was a surprise for their guitarist customers There is no doubt that they are looking forward to a novel effects pedal, but they seem to be serious.
The magnetosphere is the region of space around the earth that is most affected by the earth’s magnetic field. It is different from the neat magnetic field pattern around a bar magnet that you might see with iron filings in schools. It distorts the solar wind due to constant vibrations. This means that a large amount of potential energy is stored during its compression, and it is this energy that Electro-Harmonix focuses on.
Just like Fox Mulder: We are willing to believe. Unfortunately, the trouble with this idea can be easily seen through a quick web search. They attract a large number of people who can be called weird by charity, and there are no shortage of unproven claims surrounding conspiracy theories, silent inventors, and their mysterious devices. Strange and wonderful descriptions and mysterious circuit diagrams abound, so separating wheat (if any) from the inevitable chaff becomes a challenge. We respect the Electro-Harmonix team as professional engineers, and we hope that they are unlikely to fall into the weird part of the Internet, but we will retain our judgment until they provide more technical details about their recommendations.
Title: NASA, Public area.