We all have our favorite classic Lego bricks, and we wouldn’t be surprised if one or more various space computers appear on almost everyone’s list. [dyoramic] Love them very much They built two different working versions that can do different things.
The first one is about six times the original brick. Inside the 3D printed housing is an ESP32 and a 1.5-inch OLED display. [dyoramic] Connect the first six buttons as inputs, and the rest are just for appearance. The screen defaults to a classic green and white cross, which looks legal. But when you start pressing the button, you will find other modes-the cross turns into a radar screen, the computer spit out space facts on another screen, there is a brick falling game, and finally a time and date screen.
The second Lego space computer is built even bigger-both are designed around the size of the screen. It has a Raspi 4 and displays a dashboard with weather, time, date, the latest xkcd and some cryptocurrency prices. [dyoramic] A larger version is under development, which will use a 720 x 720 screen and some brown key switches as input. We can’t wait to see that! Now, check out the build and demo of the first two after the break.
What can’t you do with Lego? It feels like we have seen everything, from the camera to the microscope to the continuously variable transmission. Don’t you like to drive one of them around the block?