From February 2013 to November 2018, the comic series world trigger produced by Daisuke ashihara was published in the weekly sh ō Serialized in Nen jump. In December 2018, it was transferred to jump square. As of December 2021, Shueisha has compiled its chapters into 24 volumes. In North America, the English translation of comics is published by viz media. In this article, we will understand why the world trigger comic has to rest for a month. So keep reading.
From October 2014 to April 2016, Toei animation produced an animated TV series for Asahi TV station. Two more seasons will be broadcast from October 2021 to January 2022, the second season from January 2021 to April 2021 and the third season from October 2021 to January 2022.
On Monday, April 25, 2022, the official twitter account of “world trigger” comic announced that the comic series will rest again in the June issue of “jump square” scheduled to be released on May 2. The reason is that the cartoon creator’s “poor health”
Jump square will appear in the July issue of world trigger on June 3. It is not uncommon for them to take a month off. The cartoon was suspended from publication in the January issue earlier this year. Due to the deteriorating health of ashihara, it also took some time off from its problems in March, may and November.
Tianhuangcheng was invaded by a group of strange creatures called neighbors. After a door to another world accidentally opened, these creatures were immune to traditional weapons. After the arrival of neighbouring countries, a new organization called the border defense Bureau was established to attack them with new weapons called “triggers”. Although the door has been open for several years, neighbouring countries are still posing a threat, and border agents remain vigilant.
Despite the delicate situation, Osamu mikumo, a member undergoing training, is not allowed to use a trigger outside headquarters. At the same time, the teacher’s assistant OSAM is being bullied by his classmates and attacked by his neighbors, forcing him to choose between right and wrong. However, he soon realized that he was a disguised humanoid neighbor, yuuma Kuga, who had just arrived at school.