We spent a lot of time thinking about how to create 3D objects, but can we print full-color graphics on the objects we create? It’s not just multi-color, it’s full-color!This is an elegant solution Use inkjet to print full-color images on 3D terrain models.
Admittedly, we are already very late at this party because this technology was discovered Season 22, episode 7 of How to do this It aired as early as 2013. This snippet shows the terrain model—think of the physical contour map under the glass that you might see in a main cabin in a national park or ski resort. It is easy to imagine how to carve the facade from the foam by CNC. But this time the application of color printing to these surfaces has caught our attention. This is a customized equipment built for this purpose by a company called Solid Terrain Modeling. Since the height of any point on the work material is already known during the milling process, four ink heads (black, cyan, magenta, yellow) have been added to separate Z-axis actuators, applying gratings as they pass through the surface image.
Part of what makes this work work is the post-processing step after milling. Before spraying the primer, the model was very careful to remove the debris. Another layer of undetermined material (“special coating for receiving ink”) prepares the part for ink. The last step after printing is the protective transparent coating.inside How to do this Then 3D print and add plots, buildings and other structures.
It seems that the trick is to keep the footprint of the print head as small as possible when printing in an oblique area, so that it can be cleared. We are not experts in all available consumer inkjet printers, but finding a setting that separates the print head from the ink reservoir will be the key. Watching this clip makes us very excited to think of the people who crack this device together as part of their work.
Looking for other ways to abuse inkjet components? [Sprite_TM] Figured out a way to hold them in their hands so you can print on anything from latte foam to your partner’s forearm. There is no better name than Magic Paintbrush.