Today’s smart phones, especially higher-end flagship phones, provide users with a lot of RAM to match the ultra-fast chipset. Not long ago, 1GB-2GB of RAM was considered enough to hold a mobile phone. We now have devices that can easily span 6GB of RAM. Some even have up to 16GB or 18GB of RAM. But do you really need all the RAM in your phone? What is your satisfactory figure? We asked, that’s what you have to say.
How much memory in a smartphone is good enough for you?
Obviously, our survey on the best maximum RAM size on mobile phones is very popular with our readers. Nearly 40,000 people voted in our survey, and two of the RAM options are the most popular among readers.
Most people (32%) think that 8GB of RAM is what you are satisfied with with your phone. Nearly 25.9% of the respondents also agree that their mobile phones have 6GB of memory. 15% said 4GB RAM is satisfactory, while nearly 10% said their device requires 16GB or more RAM.
The results are not so surprising. 8GB RAM has become commonplace not only in flagship products, but also in mid-range phones. In fact, most of the basic models of Snapdragon 888 flagship products provide 8GB of RAM. No wonder it is the most selected option in our polls.
What you have to say
Risuna: Any company that provides Android devices with less than 4GB of memory is a monster, and anyone who uses flash swapping to make up for insufficient memory in normal use is living in evil. The last point also applies to you, Apple, on your new ARM-based Mac.
Evie: I think 6GB is the best choice for ordinary people. Maybe 4 is available, but there is no harm in adding a bit more!
freezing: I have 12GB of RAM, but I think I never managed to push it beyond 9.2GB. For most people, 6GB is more than enough.
Stanley Kubrick: My first desktop computer from Packard Bell had up to 4 MB of RAM…that was 4 MB, not GB. I spent $400.00 to upgrade it to 8 megabytes! My wife is upset! Boy, those days. 6 GB is enough for most people. How many applications do you need to stay open all the time? More RAM = more battery consumption to keep all these gigabytes alive!
Wang Watt: I have been a technology user for decades, so I tend to close things I don’t use, unlike young people. However, I chose 8GB because I think it is suitable for the use of smart phones.
Jim: The fact is that ordinary people use about 4GB of RAM, so 6-8GB of RAM is actually enough, and anything beyond this range is redundant. People try to rationalize this by saying that they face the future. However, it seems that smart phones have existed since 1992 (Simon Communicator), and in the past 30 years, the actual demand has not exceeded 4GB. Having said that, I sincerely doubt whether ordinary people will use their mobile phones for nearly 30 years before they can use these extra GB of memory.
Assis: One of my Android phones has 4GB of RAM, but the processor is very fast. I never feel slow.
Мартин Рачев: My Note 10+ has 12GB RAM, it rarely uses more than 8.5GB of RAM. The storage problem is that I want my application to stay open, I have enough available memory, but the phone refuses to exceed 8.5GB of memory and closes my application. I don’t know exactly how this technique works, but it seems that ram is not enough to keep all applications open. For me, phones under 8GB in 2021 are a compromise, 6 is available, and 4 or less is a pure nightmare.
Ron Cosby: 6GB is now the minimum requirement for Android, but I recommend 8GB or more. To run smoothly and quickly, 6GB is the minimum requirement, even for cheap phones. Less, I promise it will become a problem at some point. Any value-for-money high-end mobile phone should have a capacity of at least 8GB. At least this is my experience with Android.