The “razor and blade model” may allow many young hackers to follow their current development trajectory. If we buy a small part, we want to choose our small part refill instead of going back to the manufacturer to look for their brand-name options. [Flamingo-Tech] When their Xiaomi air purifier needed a new filter, they had nothing, so they started Fool it into thinking that there is a real substitute Freshly baked. Unlike razor handles, air purifiers can refuse to work if they are not satisfied, so the best option is to make “modified chips.”
The manufacturer’s filter has a near field communication (NFC) chip and antenna that communicate with the base station.The controller receives filter data via I2C, but the module chip replaces the transmitter and assures the controller that everything in the filter town is fine. In addition to the obvious hack here, [Flamingo-Tech] Showed us how to use cheap packaging to extend the life of the filter, which is a double problem.You can start from Open source file Or from [Flamingo-Tech’s] Tiandidian.
We usually hear module chips related to games, but we are happy to extend this honor to 3D printers. Have you ever lied to “Razor”?
thanks, [The_mad_ping],tip.