Given is a Japanese manga series created by Natsuki Kizu. The series has been adapted many times, with sound dramas released in 2016, amine movies in 2019, and live-action dramas in 2021 are now being broadcast on TV. The play has six episodes, four of which have already been released. The first episode of the series was released on July 17, 2021, and the fourth episode was recently released on August 9. Since the TV series was released, fans have been waiting for each episode. The series tells the story of four members of a rock band named Given. The band consists of electric guitarist Ritsuka Uenoyama, lead singer Sato Macho, bassist Haruki Nakayama and drummer Akihiko Kaji. The story is about the double romantic relationship between them, between Ritsuka and Mafuyu, and between Haruki and Akihiko.
Full of emotion, drama, romance, love, sacrifice and more, the latest episode of the series is ready to be played on your screen. Today in the article, we will talk about this romantic drama “given”. First, we will discuss the plot and summary of the series. Secondly, let me introduce the cast of this show first, and then talk about the release date of the fifth episode.
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Given: plot and summary
As I have already mentioned, Given is roughly divided into two stories. The first arc focuses on the relationship between Lixiang and Ma Dong, and the second arc is the relationship between Ming Yan and Haruki. Therefore, first we will discuss Ritsuka and Mafutu, and then discuss the other two.
Ritsuka is a member of a band composed of himself, Akihiko and Haruki, and was impressed by Mafuyu’s extraordinary singing talent, and we invited him to join the band. The band began to compose music for their live performance, and while writing the lyrics of a song, the two began to fall for each other. Akihiko also has a secret love for Haruki, but dare not tell him.
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All about the given actor
Given’s cast is cool and handsome. Suzuki Jin plays the lead singer of the band Venoyama Ritsuka, a high school student and guitarist. The role of Mafuyu is played by Sanari. In addition, Inowaki Kai played the role of Kaji Akihiko. The play also played Haruki Nakayama by Juntaro Liu.
Previously in episode 4
In the previous show, nothing major happened, Ritsuka scolded Mafuyu because he was working hard to write the lyrics. Haruki stepped in to resolve their battle. Akihiro admitted to Ritsuka that he had dated men in the past, but now he is interested in women. In addition, we also witnessed some romantic and lovely moments between Rits and Mafu.
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What can you expect from episode 5?
Heartwarming: The following is the fifth episode of spoilers. In the fifth episode, Lixiang and his band members prepare for their live performance. In addition, in this episode, Haruki reveals his feelings for Minghong. Does he accept or reject Haruki’s proposal… Ah… waiting to watch this episode.
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Given the release date of episode 5
The Japanese drama “Given” premiered on July 17, 2021. Chapter 5 of “Given” will be released on August 14, 2021. In addition, the last episode and the sixth episode are scheduled to premiere on August 21, 2021. The play is broadcast on Fuji TV every Saturday for 24 minutes per episode. The play is very popular, especially among teenagers. It is ranked 1560th in the best TV series. If you are interested in watching different, romantic and emotional shows, please watch this show, it is great.
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