Pokemon 2019 episode 93 reveals the secret behind the side city, but the next episode will be postponed for several weeks. After dealing with the ghost train incident, Satoshi and Goh took another adventure and went to the Galar area to deal with some errands. They deal with ghost Pokemon and defeat phantom. Subsequently, the two arrived in Ryder Town, gallar. In the recent episode Pokemon 2019, Satoshi and sakuraki discussed ganger and how he made ganger kyodaimax. Sakura reminds Satoshi to visit the head of the ghost gym in strategic town. Satoshi decided to go there and learn from the leaders of the gymnasium.
Goh Chok Tong and Sato came to the skari ghost gym, but they couldn’t find Mr. onion. Satoshi suggested calling Mr. onion by his name. They were surprised to see the masked boy they met in the ghost train. He was glad that the boy was Mr. onion, but he closed the door because he hated to be called by his name. Then he let them in. Goh Chok Tong realized that onion was trying to tell them something. The onion realized they wanted to talk about ganger and told them to visit the stadium. They met with Saito, who asked them if they were fighting on the way.
Satoshi revealed that he took ganger to kyodaimax for training, and onions would help them. The training started and Satoshi released a huge kyodaimax, which made ganger bigger and bigger. But Goh Chok Tong noted that the Ganges is different from the largest Ganges in Jingtian, and Ganges is trying to reach this level. Satoshi tells ganger to work hard and it will succeed. The onion reveals that Sato’s Ganges can only be daimax. Even if they force Ganges, he will not evolve into kyodaimax. After hearing the news, ganger flinched because he was disappointed.
Previously on Pokemon 2019 Episode 92
Onion realized that the Ganges had a way of evolution and told Sato to drink Dai soup, which would help the Ganges evolve into kyodaimax. Goh Chok Tong found this in his index data. He found that when Pokemon drank Dai soup made of Dai mushrooms, it could evolve into kyodaimax. Satoshi decided to feed ganger Dai soup and let the onions find Dai mushrooms. Onion realized that Dai mushroom was a ghost type Pokemon in the forest. Satoshi decided to go there, even if the ghost Pokemon tried to stop them.
When the three came to the forest, Goh Chok Tong realized that the forest was more terrible than he thought. They also passed the graveyard of the ghost Pokemon. Onion revealed that they could find Dai mushrooms near the tomb. He pointed to the Dai mushrooms. Satoshi was very excited because it didn’t take them long to find them. But they have to deal with the sunnygo coral Pokemon ghost type to do this. Onion told Goh and Satoshi they couldn’t touch sunnygo or curse them. Satoshi put forward his idea and decided to use ganger flight to get Dai mushrooms.
He managed to get the mushroom, but excited, he dropped his hat and touched sonigo. Sonigo wakes up and scares Goh Chok Tong, but Sato apologizes for waking sonigo. Goh Chok Tong realized that sennigo might curse Sato and capture him with a monster ball. But the monster ball fell between the sleeping sun god. Satoshi wanted to know how they got it back. Satoshi thought they could make Dai soup, and onions told them they needed other ingredients. They collect all the raw materials, face and fight different types of ghost Pokemon.
Pokemon 2019 Episode 93 Release Date
Pokemon 2019 episode 93 will be released on January 14, 2022. Sato, Goh Chok Tong and onion fled the ghost forest and realized that it was not easy to make Dai soup. They also met dragon Pokemon and almost took saruno away. Then they went home to cook Dai soup. Ganger ate Dai soup and evolved. Pokemon 2019 put off its upcoming episode for a few weeks. Let’s take a look at the official details of Pokemon 2019 episode 93.
You can watch episode 93 of Pokemon 2019 on Pokemon TV and Netflix at 6:55 p.m. on Friday. If there is no Pokemon TV in your region or the UK, you can watch Pokemon episode 93 of 2019 online on YouTube channel (playlist) and Amazon Prime video UK. Sato thanks onion for helping them get on the ghost train. Let’s meet when Pokemon episode 93 of 2019 is released.