There are many mixed emotions about working from home. Some people like it and thrive as before, but others have encountered some difficulties in all this. [Brandon] He has been working from home for the past 12 years, but even after managing this work culture for so many years, he admits that it is still a bit stressful. He said that he did not have enough time between tasks to simply relax and breathe. If he does not spend some time calming himself down, the chores of daily work will increase his stress level.He thinks he can Do something to monitor his stress level and remind yourself to take a break The results are impressive.
He developed a system to monitor his heart rate and the ambient noise level in the room, and use these indicators to measure stress. If his heart rate or ambient noise level exceeds a certain threshold, he will send himself a text message to remind himself to relax and take a break. You may have seen people use heart rate to measure stress, but you may not be familiar with using sound. [Brandon] Basically think that the sound sensor will detect whether he has started ranting for a long time, or whether he is participating in a Zoom meeting that is too hot. We think this is neat.
[Brandon] Using an off-the-shelf chest strap heart rate monitor saves myself some time to try to build my own heart rate monitor. The device sends heart rate data to nRF52840 via Bluetooth, and then uses Blues Wireless Notecard to push the data to the cloud. Notecard also provides data encryption [Brandon] Knowing that his biometric data will not float in the cloud without any protection makes some people feel more at ease. This is certainly not medical grade encryption, but it gave him some comfort, nonetheless. All this data is processed in his custom-designed Web application, and when the appropriate threshold is reached, he uses Twilio to send himself a text message to remind him to relax.
For his next iteration, [Brandon] May try to make your own heart rate monitor. But until then, please stay safe and remember to take a break when you need it.