Aho Girl is a Japanese comedy anime adapted from the manga of the same name. After the end of the first season, many viewers are waiting for the second season of Aho Girls. This anime series is different from other anime. Although there is no fascinating plot, no deep characters, and no best soundtrack, it still attracts the audience with its simple and humorous charm. If you want to watch something different, relaxing and full of comedy, this anime is a perfect show for you to enjoy. Yoshiko Hanabatake is voiced by Aoi Yoki, and she and a group of her friends will make you laugh until your stomach hurts.
The anime “Awa Girl” is adapted from Hiroyuki’s manga of the same name. The comics consist of 12 volumes and were published by Kodansha from 2012 to 2017. Finally, in 2017, the animated series was broadcast from July to September, with a total of 12 episodes. It focuses on the daily life of a high school girl named Yoshiko Hanabatake. She teases everyone with her crazy antics, and many times she loses control. Her foolish behavior won the hearts of many viewers. It has been almost four years since the end of the first season. Many fans are eager to know more about the release date of Aho Girl Season 2 and more updates.
Aho Girl Season 2 release date
The release date for Season 2 of Aho Girl has not yet been announced. There is no official statement about it being updated from the broadcast network. As we mentioned, it has been almost four years since the end of the first season. Therefore, the possibility of the second season is getting lower and lower. But don’t worry. Because most anime sequels have been waiting for many years, the same situation may happen in this case.
Another reason we might get the second season is the plot of the first season. Since the manga does not have a strict sequence of events to follow, the animation series only uses a few fragments. The anime only collected a small part from here and there. Therefore, there is a lot of content available for the next season. However, the final decision is in the hands of the production company. If they decide to make a sequel, we might watch it in the next few years. Follow the news to learn more about Aho Girl’s updates.
Plot summary
Aho Girl is a four-part film of Japanese comedy and life animation, created by Takashi Aoshima. The storyline tells the daily high school life of Yoshiko Hanahata and her friends; Akuru Akutsu, Sayaka Sumino and Fuki Lincho. Yoshiko Hanabateke is not an ordinary student. She is different from other high school girls, but in a very stupid way. Hanahata is a clumsy high school girl in the classroom, who has never surpassed zero in school grades. She is known for her stupid antics and strange obsession with bananas.
It seems that everyone around her has abandoned her, especially her mother. Her mother has lost all hope and believes that Yoshiko will never be able to make progress. At the same time, Ajiu Ajiuya, also known as Akun, is the only person who can turn his son into a better version. He is her best friend and always keeps her sane. However, like everyone else, Akun seems to be tired of all the crazy behaviors of his son. Unlike Jizi, he focused on learning because he was always a top student in the school. Although it was Yoshiko’s friend, Jun didn’t want to end her stupid behavior for a moment. He even uses physical strength. Of course, only when necessary.
However, it seems to have no effect on her. Even though she worked so hard to bring her some feelings, Hanabata seemed to have never changed. Somehow, she could always find a way to return to her stupid antics, and even managed to drag other weird people like her into her stupidity. Every moment with Yoshiko is unpredictable. A-kun needs to step out of his comfort zone to completely stop Yoshiko’s nonsense. Such a crazy ride! Watch the anime Aho Girl and join Yoshiko’s crazy journey with her crazy friends. The anime series is available on Crunchyroll with English subtitles and original Japanese audio.
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