Bill Gates supports the new online climate news publication Cipher, which is scheduled to begin publication on September 29.
this password The news site is led by an executive director based in Seattle Amy Harder, He recently reported on climate issues in Washington, DC for Axios in Washington, before working for Gates Breakthrough energy In February.
Cipher’s stated mission “is to help accelerate the technological transformation required to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 through reliable and objective news reports.” The name of the site means zero, which implies a global decarbonization goal. Cipher is described as a weekly newsletter and video series.

Although Gates is still committed to global health-the main focus of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-he has been investing more and more energy and resources in responding to the climate crisis. The Microsoft co-founder founded Breakthrough Energy Ventures in 2015 to provide funding for clean technology companies. Recently, he extended this work to the Breakthrough Energy umbrella organization, which includes a set of investment, innovation, and policy initiatives. Gates also published a book focusing on climate earlier this year.
Cipher cited a acknowledgment of a potential conflict of interest between its coverage and the risks pursued by Breakthrough Energy. It pointed out that its own editorial leadership will “have the final decision on our journalistic work. When we are involved in breakthrough energy networks or related topics, people and/or companies, we will add disclaimers as needed.”
According to reports, Cipher’s content will be provided for free, without ads AksiosThe product will be funded by Breakthrough Energy, and sponsors may one day be recruited to help report events and newsletters.
Cipher is joining numerous climate publications. These include two other sources in Seattle: Grist, An online climate news website, launched in 1999, provides solution-oriented reporting, and volt, A newsletter and podcast created by former Vox and Grist reporter David Roberts last year.In recent years, the national media has been expanding the scope of its climate report, for example, Bloomberg launched Bloomberg Green Focus on the economics of climate change and climate technology.
Harder has been reporting on environmental news for more than a decade. She was previously an energy reporter for the Wall Street Journal and the National Daily. Her work at Breakthrough Energy marked her return to Washington State, where she graduated from Western Washington University in Bellingham with a degree in journalism.