Although we usually encourage hackers to make their own tools or machines where feasible, X-ray machines are usually not on the list. Despite the radiation risk, [William Osman] Have done it, and Built a homemade X-ray machine. After receiving the jaw-dropping medical bill, [William] Determined to make your own X-ray machine in order to avoid future bills. Thanks to his insurance, for those living in single-pay health care countries, the total amount owed has decreased, but it is still ridiculous, but this reminds William. What if he could make an X-ray machine to make cheap X-ray films?
With a cheap high-voltage DC power supply bought from an online auction house, he started to power his X-ray vacuum tube. A smaller power source provides energy to the cathode and forms an electron beam. Then apply high voltage (30-150kv) as the tube voltage to accelerate the electrons into X-rays. The safety measures taken by Geiger counters and lead plates are somewhat arbitrary.Finger bones cast with ballistic shell [William] He took his first X-ray film on a digital SLR camera with a long exposure. The next items that enter the X-ray “room” are a mobile phone and a hand. The result is actually pretty good, you can clearly see the bones.
We’ve seen homemade X-ray machines on Hackaday before, but it’s not the kind of machine that can be built so randomly-his method is obvious: don’t try it at home. Video after the break.