As any musician, podcast or YouTube will soon tell you, there is no substitute for a good microphone. They will also quickly tell you their favorite microphone, why it is better than all the others, and its price (oh, and how round it sounds, no matter what it means). But what if you can build your own that sounds good or even better and can do it for only $30?
This is what [Matt] of DIY perks began to find when making his own usb-c microphone. He was able to find the same microphone capsule that could be in his high-end, $600 E100, and built a simple preamplifier that bumped its quiet output line level. He even connected it to the microphone module with some custom cables, which are made of two enamelled wires that will not transmit collision and vibration, wrapped in a desoldered braid for shielding. He inputs the output of the preamplifier into the cheap USB audio interface and almost no first-class sound of the viola. Be sure to check the video below to see the comparison between microphones and professional microphones.
Of course, it doesn’t sound good enough. [Matt] was not satisfied until the work looked the same, which is why he wrapped the microphone module in a custom curved brass mesh shield and pipe (which also helps reduce electrical interference). The brass cage is suspended by a rubber O-ring on a beautiful curved brass support, which is located on the hinged brass arm designed by [Matt]. Finally, the arm is mounted to a wooden and brass housing, which is also used to place electronic devices.
Moreover, in a truly open source way, the video description is full of links to parts, diagrams and templates in case you want to build these beautiful things for yourself. Earlier this year, we introduced this stunning shape and another stunning scratch USB Microphone. There is no better time to become a microphone that doesn’t have to be replaced by a car.