Hackaday editors Mike Szczys and Elliot Williams reviewed the hardware hacking of the past week. There is a new Tamagochi hack that can run the original ROM on a plain old microcontroller like STM32. Did you know that you can use a powerful laser to blow up the Bayer filter from the camera sensor and the sensor will still work? we do not have. There has been a lot of debate this week about a commercial jet design change that will remove windows-but it’s a good reason to improve the efficiency of the aircraft. We marveled at what it takes to pump blood with an artificial heart and enter the rabbit hole of troubleshooting after the magical smoke is ejected from the radio.
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Episode 131 program notes:
What’s that sound?
Tell us your answer to the weird “What’s that sound?” this week.In next week’s show, we will randomly select a name from the correct answer to win a rare Hackaday podcast T-shirt.
New this week:
Interesting hackers this week:
Quick hack:
- Mike’s pick
- Elliott’s choice:
Articles not to be missed: