How fast can raspberry Pipi run? Obviously, if you freeze it and give it a voltage twice the normal voltage, the answer is 1GHz. Oh, a trap. After a few minutes, the chip will fry out by itself.
This is the result reported by David, who used the Peltier cooler and had serious overvoltage. Dhrystone’s score rose from about 200 points to more than 1100 points. Of course, there’s the annoying premature death, so you may not want to try it at home.
Even before the chip is buried, there are other problems to be solved. For example, once the frequency exceeds 250 MHz, Pico’s SPI flash memory cannot keep up, so all software to be run must be put into RAM first. You also need to check the system clock parameters.
To be honest, we like overclocked PCs or anything else. The good news is that if you blow up a pickup truck, it won’t have a big impact on your wallet. This is also an interesting way to learn more about the inside of the processor. According to [David], the cooler reduces the temperature of the parts to – 40 ° C. We want to know what happens to it in a liquid nitrogen bath?
Of course, you can also push a regular PI. If you really need a 1 GHz overclocking microcontroller, maybe you can take a look at teensy.