Hey you! What are you up to lately? No, wait, don’t tell us now!Save the juicy details Summer Edition Bring-A-Hack. It will drop in just two days-it was Thursday, August 5 1:00 PM PDT (4pm Eastern Time | British Summer Time / 9pm Central European Time). Sign up now!
Historically, Hackaday participated in (or hosted) Bring-a-Hack events as a social event and on-site meeting. You take something from the bench, and when you see old and new friends, it will give you a topic to talk about. This virtual Bring-a-Hack walks in those footprints-once the event starts, anyone who wants to show them to the group can enter “I want to show” in the Crowdcast chat. We also plan to set up breakout rooms for more interaction.
If you are too shy to show off one of your projects in the last project in April, now is your chance! Are you doing something for Hackaday Prize? What have you done to make working from home more bearable? No matter what you like, we want to see it, so come and show off to hacker elites all over the world. Just because they are elites does not mean they are elites: no matter what level your project is at. The important thing is that you are passionate about it, and you may have learned something in the process—something you can share with the community will give you a lot of virtual compliments.
So go sign up, Illuminate those hackers, we will see you there!