What is the name of a clock that doesn’t tell the time? The concept of word clock is that all the words that need to be used already exist before they are selected. (Ben combee) realized that only 18 unique words constitute a “harder, faster, stronger” song, and there is an additional pybuge on his palm. Obviously, he can make a music word clock.
Pybadge is a circuit board based on 120 MHz atsamd51 with screen, button and a 3D printing shell. In order to obtain reasonable sound quality and still match the 2MB flash memory on the device, MP3 compression is selected. Since there is only one speaker, it is mixed into mono and lower bit rate, reducing the size to only 880kb. Mp3 is processed by audiomp3 module in circuit python, and the volume level is sent to five neopix to act as vu. The most difficult part is the correct composition time, because the lyrics need to be separated and the composition time needs to be determined. Using audacity’s tag tracking function, he marks all words in the tracking and can export them to a format that can be converted to a python friendly format.
With the playback of files, music and text prompts become out of sync, which has become a bigger problem. Adding MP3 buffers will help, but the real trick is to peep inside the music decoder to find out how many samples have been decoded and prompt words based on these samples, rather than giving inaccurate time. All the codes and files are on his computer. IO page, if you feel it necessary to make it yourself. Make sure you stick with your stupid punk helmet. Despite the summary based on the compressibility of popular songs, there are some other songs with a small enough number of unique words, so they can also be processed by word clock. Video after break.