This Pentagon report exist UFO (UAP) was submitted to Congress on June 25, enough to stimulate scientific inquiry into the goals of these phenomena. The nature of UAP is not a philosophical issue. This is not a problem that politicians should be asked to solve—just like plumbers should not be asked to bake cakes.Policy makers or military personnel do not have enough scientific training to solve this mystery, hope they can solve this mystery in some way, just like the frustrating experience of characters in Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot.
In view of these circumstances, scientists should find answers based on transparent analysis of open data through standard scientific processes. The task boils down to obtaining high-resolution images of UAP. A picture is worth a thousand words. More specifically, a megapixel The surface image of an unusual object will allow us to distinguish whether it bears the metaphorical label “Made in China” or “Made in Russia” and “Made in exoplanet X”.
Consider an object the size of a person at a distance of one mile. Suppose we want to parse features in the text as small as the letter width. This is equivalent to resolving one thousandth of a person’s height, which requires obtaining a megapixel image.This Rayleigh Criterion In optics means that the best angular resolution of the telescope is the so-called “Diffraction limit,” is roughly the wavelength of the light divided by the diameter of the aperture. For visible light, the required resolution in our example can be obtained with a telescope with a diameter of one meter. You can buy a ready-made one online.
The telescope should be connected to a suitable camera to feed the generated data stream to the computer system-as the telescope tiles the sky with its field of view, optimized software will filter out transients of interest. The initial investigation can start with a large field of view and then zoom in on the object of interest as it is tracked in the sky. UAP can change their sky position faster than any astronomical source at a distance.
But they also need to be distinguished from birds, airplanes, satellites, or instrument products. Due to atmospheric turbulence, the actual fidelity of the image will be limited by blur, so it will depend on the height and distance of the UAP. The sky survey also needs to be extended long enough to make it possible to detect UAP. These are major challenges.
The telescope facility can be placed in a geographic location that can replicate past UAP reports to the greatest extent. Low-cost cameras with lower resolution can be distributed in more locations around the world to achieve a comprehensive survey of the entire sky.There are astronomical facilities, such as ZTF, LCO, Taoist priest, SASSN Either Panstar, Has been in place at a remote location for different tasks of searching for transient objects in the sky that are not as fast as UAP.The amount of data will increase dramatically VRO/LSST The facility in Chile will start operations in 2023. UAP debunkers often ask why the camera always captures blurred images of unknown objects. The answer is simple: their aperture is hundreds of times smaller than the required meter-scale telescope.
The cost of building a suitable telescope network is lower than the investment so far in finding the essence of dark matter. We don’t know which particles make up most of the matter in the universe. This is a search subject to uncertainty, just like searching for UAP.But if some UAPs come from extraterrestrials, the impact on society will be far greater than proving that dark matter is Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) and nothing else. The discovery of aliens is likely to change our perception of our place in the universe, our desire for space, our theological and philosophical beliefs, and even the way we treat other people.
All these effects can be triggered by a single megapixel image obtained at a reasonable cost.In the forum I recently participated in about my book Alien, I was asked about the prior probability of the possibility assigned to strange interstellar objects ‘Omomo Or UAP originated from aliens. I clarified that it is unknown, just like dark matter is WIMP. However, since UAP’s megapixel images are affordable and the public and government are very interested, we should simply get one. In fact, a picture of an object similar to Oumuamua is worth 66,000 words-this is the number of words in my book. We should not look for data from government-owned sensors that are not designed for this purpose, but should collect our own state-of-the-art scientific data in a repeatable manner. Most of the sky above us is unclassified.
In my recent podcast interview with young viewers, they agreed: “Let’s do it.” It’s refreshing to be able to communicate with future torchbearers and potential funders of UAP imaging projects in the same week.A day later, I am at ask Author: Rahel Solomon of CNBC: “How do you plan to celebrate UAP Day?” Thanks for the reminder, I said: “We may need our computer to figure out the nature of UAP, so my plan is to use my computer to celebrate this day.”
This is an opinion and analysis article; opinions expressed Author or author Not necessarily those Scientific american.