As the world opens up again, [Niklas Roy] with [Kati Hyyppä] Has been busy making a public and collaborative project. Meet Vektor Kollektor, A portable plotter experience with a chip tuning track. It is great to see that public art meets the maker community in a way that is zero conceited and full of fun!
The construction of the HP7475A pen plotter started in the 1980s, which was DOA (or was blown up during initial testing). [Niklas] with [Kati] The mechanism was retained, but the controls were rebuilt for easy integration with Arduino Nano and powered by the motorcycle battery.
There seems to be less magic in the trashcan build (which is great), and the team has more ways to expand the project. They use a joystick with arcade buttons as input to transport Vektor Kollektor to parks and streets, where they invite others to create art. Kollekted drawings are available at A gallery website In the form of a very cool animation, it can be downloaded for free for T-shirts, 3D printing and coffee cups, because, why not?
Some selected drawings are even sprayed on the wall with a large plotter, we really hope [Niklas Roy] with [Kati Hyyppä] Share detailed information about the build as soon as possible. Of course, this is a hot topic after the studio window robots we saw from these two hardware artists.