Sakamoto is a new action comedy series of shouneng dance. The TV play tells the story of a former gang member who left his previous life after falling in love. Japanese gangs are called gangs. Gangster Comedy Animation is now receiving a lot of attention. This is mainly due to the success of the animation of family husband’s road. As such TV dramas become more and more popular, we can expect more adaptations. The audience responded very well to the series, and the cartoon was praised by critics. If you are a fan of the action comedy series, you will like the series.
The series combines action and comedy very well. It cleverly uses black comedy. The overall feeling of the play has never become very serious or dim. All the main characters are very full, which adds fun. The action scenes and visual aesthetics of the series are also top-notch. All these elements constitute a good animation adaptation. With some good dubbing and animation, his series experience can reach another level. Since the series is very interesting from the first chapter, the first episode may also be a blockbuster film.
Yuto Suzuki is a writer and illustrator. The author’s early work includes:; Karaku and dressing room. The cartoon began in November 2020, and more than 500000 copies of the fifth volume have been sold. The series won the famous u-next cartoon award. One of the main reasons for this great success is its premise. So the premise is to take taro Sakamoto as the protagonist. He used to be a legendary killer. But faith has something else waiting for him. He fell in love with AOI. They all started working and living in simple convenience stores. Therefore, Sakamoto grew into a father BOD, unlike his previous incarnation. Under difficult circumstances, he lost weight significantly. But his dark past did not leave him. Many people still worship him as an assassin, while others want to take his life.
Considering the high success of the series, Saka is likely to make an animation this day. Unfortunately, there is no official statement about the animation. We think we can get some official information about this soon. Generally speaking, any first jump series will be animated after 100 chapters. This series currently has 55 chapters. Therefore, we expect to issue announcements at the end of 2022 or early 2023. But this can only be achieved if the series continues to be successful. In addition to comic sales, the view on the official website can also consider success. Manga plus is the official online platform. The series may have 12 to 13 episodes because it requires less comic material. If this happens, we may get the animation soon after the announcement.
Some fans hope mappa can animate the series. Mappa is a very popular animation action series as well. The studio also often carefully selects comic series. Mappa’s most popular works include Titan’s last season introduction, the legend of Wenlan, banana fish and Hessen dragon. We may see similar animation styles, such as “family husband’s way”. In this series, the cartoon panel adds some animation and smooth sound performance. But this style is very effective in comedy types.
This adapted film may be the third in the gang Animation Comedy. The most popular animation of this type is oniuka, the great teacher. The animation of this series was broadcast in the 1990s. The story takes place after a criminal. After becoming a teacher, he taught another class of criminals. After the hype of the play, we haven’t heard a story about “kind-hearted criminals” for a long time. Almost 30 years later, we got a similar series. This series is “the way of family husband”. The series rekindled the gang frenzy. Series like Tokyo Avenger have a similar trend. So this may be the best time for a new gangster animation. The animation adaptation of Sakamoto’s era can make this possible.